HAPPY 5th of JULY!!

Wow halfway through the summer. While sometimes I feel like the time has flown when I am sitting in my cube at work on Friday afternoons around 2:30 time has never crawled so slowly.

Work is going good. Since I am a PURDUE MIS student I was assigned a pretty sweet project. I have bimonthly meetings with the CIO and his Leadership Team. I get frustrated easily at work because our department is severely understaffed so I often lack direction and defined work goals. My manager has been in Natick about everyday since I have been here I feel horrible for her but she will be back Tuesday :] and she is super cool and funny. As for my other colleague one cube over...Svetlana boy does she add a dynamic personality to the cube farm. She is currently having an affair in her cube lol. As is her husband works as the CIO for another company and a BSC employee and her are doing the deed one cube over. The usual preteen giggles, spotted leaving the trails in the woods, caught red handed.... BSC such an exciting Corporate Experience.

But no for reals I am loving Minneapolis. I didn't know what to think of this place when I first moved here. The homeless people are so deranged I was slightly petrified of this city. This summer though is awesome. BSC helps by taking us to a new awesome place every week and footing the bill. Two weeks ago we went on a boat cruise along the Mississippi River. Buffet dinner and drinking tokens. Our managers came along. It was great to get to know some of my co-workers on a more personal level outside of work. For instance- Gary loves to bake (put in my request for an apple crisp pie) and he fishes! So next Friday our department is grilling out at his lake house, fishing, and enjoying pies!

This past Thursday all of us interns went the Twins Game. And traveled around the stadium with out $25 meal vouchers. I scored in on a chicken sandwich big surprise NOM! and two rum and diets from the rather flirtatious bartender in the Grill Ristorante. While I did not watch the game that much I saw a homer and cheered in a ridiculous manner for at least 5 minutes. It was a grand ole time. I met some new interns and hung out with the usual IS crew. Afterwards a big group of us went over to Drink and used our profit voucher money to float the bill for the rest of the night. Home at 1:30= worst day of work ever. The Friday before a holiday weekend, no sleep, and slightly hungover. It was a blast. I think I ran into the wall during lunch about three times.

As for our amazing IS lunches that happen everyday, there is too much to say. They are livesavers for giving me a break from the Dell stare. Ben with his kiddy lunch game of PBJ or ham and cheese, bumps on a log? Stupid antics. The cookie club that I am a proud and victorious member.

This weekend though has been a surprise. I had the option of going to Duluth, Summerfest, and down to Chi. I am soo indecisive I couldn't pick so I didn't and stayed here by default. Saturday morning I traveled out to Excelsior to meet with Anneliese for lunch. Had another chicken sandwich nom and a cocktail that got me buzzed more than it should have. Caught some grill time with the Page boys before heading to the Mall of America. Met up with Lori and her friend Jenn there walked around did some window shopping and gawked at the massiveness. Hugo the Creep Frog over at rainforest cafe, just playing with the weird flying slippery toys when who is breathing over our shoulder...

We headed to Canterbury shortly after....had a classic horsetrack day. Petted some ponies, had a beer, had a rum and diet. Put some money on the cute jockeys and watched them win :) Played some cards and people watched. Then stayed to watch the fireworks. Which thank you preteen for taking pictures of us during the fireworks. It wasn't creepy. It was a great time because I miss all my girls back home and they definitely filled that void. Afterwards I booked it home to meet up with Niraj and Timmy at Bario's a quick double shot and a blue moon. Headed over to First Avenue where I got kicked by Sean repeatedly, another double shot of Jager. Bounced from that scene and over to Seven where I hung out with the Pride Rock gang----met a man named Simba who can macro LIFE DOESN'T GET BETTER!!! Died laughing because from the rooftop we had a perfect view of a giant flatscreen billboard that was running advertisements for spaying cats and dogs.

Yesterday I slept in unto 10:30 and made my way over to the Farmer's Market to get some strawberries for the grill out and peruse the stalls. I want to go back to the market and get some fresh veggies and enjoy the lemonade and dogs. Came back downtown and a huge group of us headed over to 'beautiful' Powderhorn Park. Amazing afternoon. Had myself a hamburger some chips and dip, cookies and cream ice cream. And about two hours of soccer playtime. Running around playing my favorite sport :] After chilling for about 6 hours we headed back to Marquette and went to the roof for some fireworks. Coolest experience because we got a panoramic view of about 30 firework shows. We could see shows in the parks, downtown st. paul, the lakes. Just hanging out on the rooftop with good friends and some beers. Niraj, Timmy, and I went over to The Local afterwards and got some Gingers. Long day though so I headed in at 1:00

Today is lunch at Masa and then Toy Story 3! I love 3 day weekends :) work tomorrow please no haha

Peace out! Updates soon will be a visit from my mom and maybe some story drops from Kimmy's wedding last weekend- most amazing time of my life (stealing the words from Cindy Lauper myself)