Another Day. Another Training Session

Day 8. Nothing is more exciting than learning about content migration. I know all you readers must be so jealous. Take note of my dual facing sarcasm; mocking my depressing follower count.

Last night me and some fellow Acquitians (AG employees) went to the ComedySportz DrekFest. Thinking I was in for a good laugh or two, boy was it a surprise when I didn't even chuckle once. Came to find out that the show for the night was the finals for worst 10 minute play ever written. The night wasn't a complete waste- WE FINALLY GOT INTERNET! No more wifi surfing and over consumption of coffee just to abuse the free internet at Starbucks and Caribou Coffee. I have as of yet to use it but given that our house is structured similarly to a bunker with no internet reception entering or leaving this is great news. Almost great enough to be posted on the GM media page that we just did a deep dive into for Adobe CQ demos.

Welp back to training! Over and out, keep it classy readers.