miss meeeee?

sat in the same chair, in the same room, with the same people, looking at the same deck. FOR THE PAST 8 HOURS.

Good thing:
1) I enjoyed what we were going over.
2) The executive kitchen with the keurig and nice tasting coffee has access through this room.
3) The view of the Chicago skyline from the 22nd floor boardroom
4) We got free lunch from Potbellys


sooo moving on- got to see my friend Kim +1 to my Chicago circle!!

While walking home from Ace to get a key cut Nick and I ran into two people on the streets. Yea we run this city...kk not really. We can't say "we run this city" until we go to Parrots per definition of Nick. But that was why I was meeting up with Kim. To give her a key to my Purdue apartment so she can get the table she bought off my roommate Leslie. When we got back to the house Nick goes "You should try out the key and see if it works." Sorry Nick but I feel that walking to West Lafayette (since I have no car or Zipcar account yet) would not have a nice ROI for how much my time sells for now.

But enough speak about today I have exciting news from last night's TRIVIA at Wild Goose. My team, and by my team I mean Rupert Murdoch's Ninja Wife team almost won!! We were first going into the second round, which came with an award of SocoLime shots. And let me be brief in describing this trivia but it was nothing of the sort I had ever seen before. First it was no question answer Trivia Pursuit. This was mind stumpers, rhyme time, riddle working, and hands-on activities trivia. Sadly we came in third....but nothing beats an amazing night of trivia with 80% of my friends from Chicago (aka 4 people; none of which follow my blog!).

Well anyways I best be singing off Miss Rolston here has a date tonight! And that's how the cookie crumbles Lakeview!

2 Responses to miss meeeee?

  1. I got a tag post post!!

  2. date?! can't wait to see you and catch up!