for my fellow brains out there. here is a special tribute to you! couldn't help but laugh myself silly when i found this under the mascot apparel category on ebay. nothing screams school spirit like a downtrodden donkey.

late night laze

how is it that i can lay on my couch yawning for 2 hours straight and as soon as i lay down in bed sleep is the furthest from my mind. myswell be somewhat productive even though the thought of how few hours i've slept in the past few days makes me cringe. think i'm gonna cut the afternoon soda out of my daily schedule. but really how can one pass up free soda pop at work?

today was my first real legit day at the job. no more NHO bootcamp. no more babysitting. i wandered into work at 8:03 AM. i was all fine and dandy making a mock website about how amazing i am, making a pie chart of my weekend activities until mohammed pinged me. 'diane what are you billing your hours to this week?' my heart started racing when i realized that i am now swimming solo in the scary world of consulting and i better get off this bench before my more frequent anxiety attacks start taxing my potential lifespan. so i met with my CAM and drafted all these awesome goals about who and what i want to be; any progress towards this direction is to not be discussed HORSE CART PEOPLE [thanks fessler]. in the afternoon i got a nifty little project to do. after talking big game about how easy it was going to be it only took me 20 minutes to realize that i know nothing. i cannot even determine if commerce done in canada would make a firm international or what the correct definition of a sub-brand could possibly be. let's hope tomorrow gets better.

on a more jovial note i did some second hand shopping with the lovely monica harvey on sunday. had a blast. bought 6 skirts and nothing else. keeps me from having to do laundry this week. i took her to, can you guess it, JOY's for lunch where we commenced to enter our third trimester of thai noodle baby. #9 Bai Tong you will always have my heart. after crawling home and playing family feud online for about 3 hours i hit downtown chi for some grouponing. brain and i went to see Friends With Benefits :-] the smiley face is referencing that i had a good time. as for the movie i would wait until it hits redbox. not bad but not amazingly good either. i wish we would have held out for smurfs 3D.

well i'm going to try and hit the hay. tomorrow i've gots post work plans so i have to get my beauty sleep now. thanks for listening!

This World Is Dearth

Finally done with my New Hire Orientation!! Yay dance around and keep dancing because I got my FIRST PAYCHECK!! Cue N'Sync 'Just Got Paid' and Rebecca Black's 'Friday'

On the flipside this means I must bid farewell to the days of my youth. No more mid day naps, no more Ellen, no more lunch cocktails. Wait who am I kidding I am a consultant I will still get lunch cocktails. And I don't have tv anyways so me and Ellen meet on twitter. And speaking of social media I have joined 4 sites this week alone! Hit me up on Yammer, Pinterest, Google +, amongst restarting this site. It is really useful though because half of my work focuses on understanding technologies, users, what touchpoints they engage, and how they connect and engage in sites. With so much free time in between training sessions eMarketer, after Forrester, after AdAge research articles were read. Learned some interesting things such as:
People are more likely to click through a video on a website on Wednesday
The day that Facebook experiences the most traffic is Thursday-plannning for the wknd

So our last day in NHO Bootcamp started with presentations to higher level managers and executive members. I presented on the Allstate Teen Driver....which by the way IS SOOOO COOL! They created a digital video format so teens can capture a live video or upload a video of them promising to engage in safe driving practices, which is then in turn approved by their parents and Allstate. Also there are some sweet games such as Street Sluth, Allstate Teen Great Race. Below is the link. If you want to waste some time and want to have a fun and cheesy time please click.

If you are wondering what I would do at Acquity Group, this is a project that I could have been staffed on if I was here a year ago. However, given that the staffing manager is taking a week of vacation starting monday I am pretty sure I will be sitting the bench for at least the first two weeks. So CHICAGO 'pencil me in' as I like to say, I am gonna be in town.

I usually have to be super careful cause I LOVE making plans. And as of now most of my upcoming weekends are booked :-/ This next weekend I am coming home :-). The following [Aug 6-7] Lollapalooza with Nati. Then Becca might be coming the following weekend. The 20-21 is free but I feel like I have something. Then the next weekend is Milwaukee- YAY haven't seen Whitney in forever and the brother and wifey are coming too! Then it's Labor Day with the fam as usual out in boondocks Illinois. However this year will be special we've got a boat dinner cruise planned, my grandpa is turning 80, and I am two hours closer since I now live in Chicago :-o

I need to stop speaking about the future and tell y'all bout the last two nights. So my date went great. He took me to Feast out in Bucktown YUM! And all you need to know if were going out again this next Thursday too but my treat. As a noob to Chicago this is gonna be tough to pick something out- Clark Dog? Joy's Noodles [def an option lol]

Found out yesterday at work that my college buddy was leaving Acquity Group and it was his last day. Sad news for me for now I am a stray NH College kid. After work we went over to Jefferson Tap and had a happy hour with some pitchers of Stella. Needless to say I left with three new college buddies. I was so proud of myself though because I hate riding solo to meet up with people and I hate even more to go to an event where I don't know anyone really that well - makes networking a problem. But I went and had a great time and met a lot of people so props in my book. Afterwards I ran home and headed over to Duffy's to meet with the other new hires where we celebrates the end of bootcamp. $20 all you can eat and drink from 6-11. Let me specify for you readers that the all you can eat was loosely applied. When I visited there sad definition of a buffett they were three ribs and a scoop of mac n cheese. This bar was sooo fratty thought. However when I texted that to Nick autocorrect nicely changed it to this 'this place is so dearth'. Whatever that means? Later on in the evening Nick showed up [plently of interesting stories here but they best be told in first person] and Nati her boyfriend and her brother. We all headed out down the street to Matisse (love this place!) where we preceded to play Connect 4 and Jenga for the rest of the nite. Sounds lame but I actually had a great time. Love my friends.

Well anyways todays a new day and I must prepare. Cubs game in an hour!

miss meeeee?

sat in the same chair, in the same room, with the same people, looking at the same deck. FOR THE PAST 8 HOURS.

Good thing:
1) I enjoyed what we were going over.
2) The executive kitchen with the keurig and nice tasting coffee has access through this room.
3) The view of the Chicago skyline from the 22nd floor boardroom
4) We got free lunch from Potbellys


sooo moving on- got to see my friend Kim +1 to my Chicago circle!!

While walking home from Ace to get a key cut Nick and I ran into two people on the streets. Yea we run this city...kk not really. We can't say "we run this city" until we go to Parrots per definition of Nick. But that was why I was meeting up with Kim. To give her a key to my Purdue apartment so she can get the table she bought off my roommate Leslie. When we got back to the house Nick goes "You should try out the key and see if it works." Sorry Nick but I feel that walking to West Lafayette (since I have no car or Zipcar account yet) would not have a nice ROI for how much my time sells for now.

But enough speak about today I have exciting news from last night's TRIVIA at Wild Goose. My team, and by my team I mean Rupert Murdoch's Ninja Wife team almost won!! We were first going into the second round, which came with an award of SocoLime shots. And let me be brief in describing this trivia but it was nothing of the sort I had ever seen before. First it was no question answer Trivia Pursuit. This was mind stumpers, rhyme time, riddle working, and hands-on activities trivia. Sadly we came in third....but nothing beats an amazing night of trivia with 80% of my friends from Chicago (aka 4 people; none of which follow my blog!).

Well anyways I best be singing off Miss Rolston here has a date tonight! And that's how the cookie crumbles Lakeview!

Another Day. Another Training Session

Day 8. Nothing is more exciting than learning about content migration. I know all you readers must be so jealous. Take note of my dual facing sarcasm; mocking my depressing follower count.

Last night me and some fellow Acquitians (AG employees) went to the ComedySportz DrekFest. Thinking I was in for a good laugh or two, boy was it a surprise when I didn't even chuckle once. Came to find out that the show for the night was the finals for worst 10 minute play ever written. The night wasn't a complete waste- WE FINALLY GOT INTERNET! No more wifi surfing and over consumption of coffee just to abuse the free internet at Starbucks and Caribou Coffee. I have as of yet to use it but given that our house is structured similarly to a bunker with no internet reception entering or leaving this is great news. Almost great enough to be posted on the GM media page that we just did a deep dive into for Adobe CQ demos.

Welp back to training! Over and out, keep it classy readers.


I think I have a crush on my blog. Thank goodness Acquity Group's onboarding process included training on html since I have forgotten everything from this semester past. I've been working these past few weeks trying to tailor the template I downloaded to reflect me, myself, and I.

I now sit in the AG office- 22nd floor of Olgivie Transportation Center. Got to love the location since I'm such a foody and we sit atop a huge food court. However that's not what had me hooked. On my first visit into the office, I had a serene Devil Wears Prada moment. Not only did I have to use a badge to access the elevator lobby, but upon the opening of the elevator doors I was ushered through glass doors to an aped lobby from the movie set. Thank goodness the experience was sans Anna Wintour...I mean Miranda Priestly.

These were not the two reasons I took this job even though they rank highly on the list. But speaking on the subject I am so glad I did. My transition to Chicago has been seamless. I have a crazy energetic roommate you keeps me running for my sanity- love you Nick. Thanks to him, in the past two weeks I have come to be the sole caretaker (I know the fish is joint custody...but you have no case) of Frankie Muniz the beta and Flami the inflatable pink flamingo I found in my shower. But more on this topic later.

The workday is over and I am starving! Something about not moving fr 8 hours in a room set at a temperature of 55 makes me ravenous when the work bell tolls. I will return soon!